Minutes of the meeting of the Plymouth Bridge Club Committee held on 27th November 2017
Attendees: Steve Lacey (Chairperson) John Lankshear (Vice Chair) Charles Greenlees (Treasurer)
Committee members: Richard Ayres, Jim Dunn, Pete Tunnicliffe, Anne Worthington.
Trustees: Ailie Henry
Club members: Alan Simpson
Apologies: Jenny Young (Trustee) Sue Murkin, Diane McGregor
Minutes of the meeting of 6th November 2017
The minutes were approved.
Matters arising from the Minutes not covered in the Agenda
Directors’ courses
Steve Lacey still trying to arrange and awaiting a response.
Treasurers Report
Nothing to report as too short a period since last meeting.
Evening bridge
Hosting arrangements have been made on Monday evenings starting on 8th Jan 2018. 10 volunteers have been recruited and Andy Carpenter has completed a rota. It is hoped this will encourage more members to come along and support the evening as numbers have been declining.
# A/P Pete Tunnicliffe to publicise on club website.
New members
Alan Simpson has taken over from Gloria Lankshear as Membership Secretary and was thanked for taking over this role. Thank you also to Gloria for her contribution.
We have three new members since the last meeting. Rosemary Smith, Tim Towers and Elizabeth Rawling
Afternoon hosting
A rota of volunteers from Jan – April has been posted
Cleaning and Tea Staff
After discussion it was agreed to increase the payment for cleaning to £50 per week on the same hours with no change to tea arrangements.
# Charles Greenlees to action.
Alan Simpson produced a comprehensive paper explaining how stratification works and gave us an informative presentation. Alan recommends that we leave stratification in place but ensure our system is updated after every stratified game to ensure it matches the EBU database. This will ensure stratification is accurate. Scorers for Monday and Thursday afternoons to be trained on how to do this. Thank you to Alan for taking the time and effort on this topic and for coming to the meeting.
#A/P Alan to liaise with Andy and ensure all changes and training is implemented.
Richard reminded the committee that once we have stratification working correctly we need to revisit our purpose and aims for using stratification and ensure we set stratification levels accordingly.
Competitions Committee Report
The next competition is the Garden Cities Trophy on 28th Jan18 in Exeter. We are probably entering two teams, names to be confirmed. Entrance fees to be paid by the Club but it was agreed mileage would not be paid by the club.
Correspondence received
Building Maintenance and Improvements
Good progress is being made. Ailie is dealing with quotes for Emergency Lighting.
Charles is in contact with the painter/decorator who is due to complete works during the Christmas closure. Unfortunately the tradesman has been in hospital and Charles is waiting to hear whether he is able to complete in the agreed timescale.
Two new cupboards have been authorised for the downstairs playing room as more storage is required.
A quote for updating the fire doors has been agreed. Awaiting date for works to be completed.
Awaiting quotes for two new washbasins and redecorating of new and existing downstairs washrooms.
Bridge Classes
The teacher training course went well and 6 new members have been authorised to teach.
Monday morning lessons, run by our newly qualified teachers, for beginners and intermediates to commence 15th Jan18.
#A/P Charles to arrange a regular weekly ad in the Plymouth Shopper free paper and a weekly ad in the Evening Herald until Christmas. Richard has kindly agreed for his details to be included in the ad.
Ruth and Bridget to continue lessons on Thursday evenings and will take beginners as well as improvers. To start 11th Jan18.
Christmas Get Together
Ailie is organising the event and pleased that all 44 tickets have been sold.
Diane has contacted the solicitors who will be sending out the necessary documents regarding Jenny Young’s Trustee position.
Tablecloths in Tea Room
After discussion within the committee it was agreed to revisit after Christmas once more redecorations have been completed.
Date of next meeting 15th January 2018
Bon voyage to our Chairman who is off on his travels again and spending Christmas and New Year in Australia!