14 January 2019

Saturday, 23 March 2019 by Pete Tunnicliffe



Minutes of the Club Committee meeting held on Monday 14th January 2019




               Steve Lacey – Chair

               Pete Tunnicliffe – Vice-Chair

               Charles Greenlees - Treasurer                                   

               Diane McGregor – Secretary

Allan Simpson – Membership Secretary

Digby Hole, Sue Murkin,  Gill Seymour

Ailie Henry - Trustee                                                  

Apologies – Jenny Young, Margaret Wotton                                                                       


1.            Minutes of meeting held on Monday 10th December2018

The Minutes were approved as a correct record.


2.            Matters arising from Minutes.

PAT testing – Charles is waiting to hear back from the electrician.

Leak in Chess room – Allan will investigate.

Fire escape from the first floor - This was discussed at some length.  Decided to proceed with rungs inserted in the wall.  The grill outside the chess room window to be altered, to allow easier exit from the first floor.  Fire Service to be contacted for their recommendations.

Back Yard - The gutter had been cleaned.  The down pipe had been changed and drain cleared.              


3.            Treasurers Report

Charles presented the Profit and Loss Account as at the 31st December 2018 and answered all questions.  In view of the amount of works and refurbishment which had been completed, the bank balance was still looking healthy.  Eileen Clout would audit the accounts before presentation at the AGM. 


4.            Building, Maintenance and Improvements

Refurbishment – The Bridge room had been painted, carpet and curtains cleaned.  New curtains had been bought for the Chess room.

Honours Boards – These to be re-hung.

Side tables – Some of the side tables are in a dilapidated state, replacements to be bought.

House Manager – A house manager or key holder to be sought, hopefully in the near future.

Fire Door – The fire door leading to the back yard to be repaired at a cost of £60.

Thanks - Steve thanked everyone who helped over the Christmas closure, especially Charles and Ailie who gave a lot of their time to organising the works.


5.            Competitions Committee Report

The Playday was held on 12th  January when Michael Easterbrook and David Gribbins won the Northcott Cup and  Digby Hole and Russ Hanson the Jan Plumb Cup.

The competition now running is the Spring Cup (all evenings 1st January to 30th April, best 10 out of minimum of 12) and the Scholefield Cup (6 Thursday afternoons 3rd January to 7th February best 3 to count).  Pete to apply to the EBU for Blue points for the Tudor Cup and Winter Cup.  The competitions committee will produce a competitions plan for the coming year.



6.            Membership Secretary Report

Membership application forms had been received from Mr. & Mrs. Lewis.  These were  approved.


7.            Evening Bridge                                                                                                          

Wednesday hosting had started.  Pete had produced a Best Behaviour at Bridge notice to be framed and displayed.  Andy had already taken action to alleviate bad behaviour.


8.            Bridge Lessons

15/16 people are now attending Bridge lessons.  Members who intend to play at the Monday afternoon Bridge session will not be allowed into the main Bridge room until 12.30 p.m.

Laura Porro will be in the Club on Wednesday 20th March to teach the Jacoby convention,  the cost is £10.


9.            Preparation for AGM on Monday 25th March 2019

Preparations for the AGM are in hand.  All serving Committee members will be required to re-apply for their place on the new Committee. 


10.         Correspondence

A letter had been received about table money/tea/biscuits for the afternoon sessions.  This was discussed and agreed that there will be no alteration to the table money or membership fee before the AGM.


9.            Any Other Business

Duplimator – Thanks toJohn Allder, the Duplimator is still working well but as parts have to be ordered from Sweden, Charles to look into the cost of obtaining a second-hand machine as a back-up.


9.            Date of Next Meeting

The next meetings will be Monday 11th February and Monday 4th March at 5 p.m.

The AGM will be held on Monday 25th March 2019.                                           





